

Just got back from seeing the new Terminator film, Terminator Salvation.

It was a bit of fun, some needless bits, some fun its, and a bit of a dodge script and storyline. But apart from that it was good.

Five stars. That's five stars out of ten stars. Watching it I realised that I really like explosions, that look of the atleast. Now I'm very conserned about global warming and do my best - my carbon footprint is 2.5, that's better than ours, so there; but there is something sublime about those fire balls.

Here are some images from google from the search "explosions". (One google search uses that same amount of energy as boiling the kettle, I include them here so you don't have to waste your time and the earth).

R B Grange

1 comment:

Chris said...

The studies that show that a Google search uses the same amount of CO2 as boiling a kettle are quite misrepresentitive.

Don't reduce the amount of Google searches you do, it won't make the slightest difference. If you're concerned about how much CO2 Google uses, the only thing you can do is stop using Google altogether. And hope everyone else does the same.

And there's no point moving to another search engine - as there's no reason to think they'll use any less CO2.

Hopefully Google will be 100% renewable sources in future.