
Kein Name, kein Autor, keine Bemerkung.

Have you noticed that the best books on art have their essays in both German and English. With this in mind I have translated into the mother tongue an old blog. See if you know which one it is.

Während in Lancashire heute laufend, habe ich mich an eine Diskussion erinnert die ich hatte gehabt mit Sue auf 29/03, um wie ich gehofft habe, dass Leute Kunstwerke ansehen würden. Als je ich argumentierte, dass Arbeiten in einem Vakuum verstanden werden sollten, sollte das keine Außenkräfte derjenig beeinflussen, von einer Stückarbeit zu verstehen. Selbstverständlich dies kann nie geschehen. Das Beispiel, das ich viel jetzt benutze, ist die Person, die ihre Zunge auf einem heißen Getränk morgens verbrennt, sieht eine Stück Arbeit Stunden später an und kann nur denken, dass die Arbeit um sie ist, die ihre Zunge verbrennen. Dies ist die Höhe der Trivialität, die ich in den Reaktionen von Leuten investiere, zu arbeiten, wenn sie das „Gefühl“ besprechen, das ein Stück hat. Das Stück hat Gefühle - den Zuschauer nicht macht, und kann nur an die Arbeit in Beziehung zu sich denken.

Was ich wünschen würde, ist, dass Leute sich an der Tür verlassen, beim Eintragen einer Kunstarena. Sie sollten ansehen und sollen an die Arbeit mit keiner „Kenntnis“ denken (oder Kenntnis, die sie vermuten sie) haben, achtet die Arbeit für sich.

Ich denke wie dieses, weil ich Kunst wahrnehme, von Hauptwichtigkeit zu sein. Ich suche nicht, wie eine Arbeit entstanden ist, aber wie es Dinge um es beeinflusst, aber an keinem Punkt macht ich verwende irgendetwas zur Arbeit. Kein Name, kein Autor, keine Bemerkung.

Belangen Sue hat gefragt, wie ich ungefähr gehen würde, zwingend Leute, Arbeit in so einem Weg, und ich anzusehen, haben erkannt, dass es weit von einer leichten Aufgabe ist. Ich hat weißer Würfel von einer Galerie einen Boden, der in schlammigen Fußabdrücken bedeckt wird, gehören tatsächlich viele dem Verwalter, dem Künstler und den Eigentümern. Ich nehme an, dass ich muss, zugeben muss, dass Besiegung auf Machen anderen Leuten in der Weg sieht, dass ich mache. Aber wenn Sie wünschen, zu verstehen, dass Ausstellungen der Weg, den ich nur eine bewusste Entscheidung mache, an nichts zu denken.


Little facts make for worse news.

Watched Newsnight yesterday. Salman Rushdie has been given a knighthood. Images on screen of people burning his book Sartanic Verses. I think of the great quote:

"you should try reading books instead of burning them"

I read in the paper today that its his birthday as well. I remembered that when that police woman had been shot and killed the gutter press always mentioned that it was on her daughters birthday, as though death wasn't bad enough.

I can imagine an earnest and well meaning news presenter saying of Rushdie:

"He will have a barrage of insults, death-threats and many a hassle; which will prove all the more upsetting this time because it's his birthday as well."

Bernard Manning died. Gavin Esler slipped up and called him Bernard Matthews.

R B Grange



Criticism. Clare tells me off for not photographing an image.

Adam and I were messing around. Adam had found some strange smelling incense that he then lit in my room. I told him to get out, but carried on to use the smell to taunt me through the window. I decided to try and hit Adam through the window with some old pieces of wood Hayley had given me (she had actually given me a washing basket but I took it apart). The hitting wasn’t working that well so I tried putting a large cube made of sticks through his window. He took the cube and threw it onto the grass three floors down.

It landed in a weird off centre representation of a cube but now, a few hours later it is a very nice drawing in the cabinet-opaque style.

Clare said I should take a picture of it. But I’ve written about it now so everything is ok. The cube will be gone in the morning.

R B Grange.


Writing something

I am, at the moment, writing something. I'm not sure what for it is taking, but I am enjoying myself.

Here is a small piece of it.

What is a lie? How and why are these things used? To understand lies and how lies are used we must understand the first lie. Physical reactions do not lie. Their outcome is dependant on circumstance ad chance; the way molecules act and react. Therefore we are able to say that before lie there was no lying. No deception or hiding. As we shall see this is not because there was no consciousness, but merely no life.

As far as I can see it was plants who told the first lies.
There is an orchid that’s flowers take the shape of a bee or large wasp. The insect in question will see the flower, believe it to be a female of its species and try to procreate with it.

This will be futile, nothing will happen. The insect will get annoyed (not that best word as it implies emotion) and fly off – taking some of the plant’s pollen with it. The bee then arrives at another such orchid and des the same.

The insect does not manage to procreate but the plant does. The bee has been lied to.
Freak mutations in the genetic structure of the plant have lead to it being attractive to one certain animal. This animal as helped the plants that look like then to survive. The plant has not consciously lied, it is unable to, but deceiving another organism has kept its branch of the evolutionary tree blossoming.
The bee must also survive for the plant to; therefore the plant’s deception cannot be too good.

So survival then brought about lying into existence in the most natural of senses. The plant gives false hope to the bee. It prostitutes itself so it may survive.

Indeed many animals have evolved to lie in their appearance. Camouflage, the ability to hide without shelter, is a lie.

But this is all cross species, why would an animal lie to one of its own kind? Is it purely a means of survival and if so can lying be used in a positive manner?

R B Grange