
If Shakespeare were alive today...

If Shakespeare were alive today ... he'd be old. Really old.

He'd probably be more famous for being "that old guy" than for writing Hamlet, King Lear and MacBeth; but that's ok, because he's not alive today. Like most people ever - he's dead.

More on this subject can soon be found on my youtube.

R B Grange



yeah, so.

R B Grange


donkey dressed as a lion, dressed as a raptor.

I'm halfway through reading The Last Battle. It's brilliant. For anyone considering whether are not they should read the stuff they had read to them, or they themselves read in their childhood, the answer is you should.


Now, I know this image may be a bit "jesus rides past on a dinosaur", but I like it. Donkey dressed as a lion.

The three characters: Puzzle, Aslan and Tash, they're great. The word made flesh in the last of the Chronicles of Narnia shows how dangerous the power of belief can be, especially when belief dabbles in evidence.

I've been thinking about the idea of faith recently. If someone believes that having a "strong faith" is a good thing, then that person would respect people who have the craziest ideas about the world. The more faith you have, the else evidence you need to accept something as true. So someone with the strongest faith would disregard all objective and subjective evidence.
When a god was on the rocks 2000 years ago he sent some evidence of his existence - a man who spoke and came back from the dead. He told people to have faith, but the his followers at the time didn't need any, they knew he was real. It was for that god to survive into the future that he left a message of faith.

"Yes I'm real. But I'm not going to be about for a bit. So you've got your evidence, in me being here, but I'm off now. I was here, but I won't be back for, erm, like ages. So if you think: wait a minute, where's God? Just remember, you don't need evidence to know that I'm real. But if you do need evidence - I am real, and I was here just a moment ago. Ok. Bye"

The person with the most faith does not need to open their eyes.

R B Grange