

R B Grange


R B Grange


R B Grange

Change of plan.

I like the photos from my Foundation, but don't think that they are appropriate on my Flickr account. so I'm putting all the ones from there onto here.

There's only space for 200 pictures of my Flickr, which I think works well for my practice. I can use these images whereever I go. They are by no means finite as a resource, but the number available at one time is.

R B Grange



I've been reading Maria's blog.

Out of her's, Giles's and Randle's it's the most comprehensive.


R B Grange



I'm back in Yorkshire at the moment and have been deleting some old photographs from my home user area. Most of these are very poor images from my foundation course at LCAD. A selection of the remaining pictures can be found on my Flickr account, and a video of something has been put up on my YouTube.

R B Grange


"Someone who holds back the truth causes trouble, but one who openly criticizes works for peace."

The above quote is from the christian bible. Proverbs, Chapter 10, Verse 10, of the Good News Bible (to be specific).

It puts me in mind of the scientists and philosophers of the past who did not want their belief in a god to be questioned. They did not look to disprove anything, but through their observations, picked holes in their faith.

In particular I think of Darwin. He had no motive to want to question a world designed by Yahweh and yet through merely seeing allowed him such insight into how things came about that he had to tell.

"Someone who holds back the truth causes trouble, but one who openly criticizes works for peace."

Of course Darwin's discovery was just that, a discovery, something that you or I might have seen if he had not. And would we have had the conviction to tell people?

R B Grange
