

Just a piece of writing for my degree. As ever all spelling mistakes are jokes.

The reflexive surface of the plastic reflects the room around it and occasionally my body, but this makes perfect sense as my body, the cube and the room are all one and the same. With the piece being back lit as it is, it is hard for me so see my eyes in the reflection but I am gifted instead the light of the room through the edges of the cube. The light that lights the cube, is the same light that is shown through the cube. The same light that lights me so that I may be seen in its reflective surfaces. It is all one, and I banish the images in my mind of the light hitting the object and bouncing into my eye.

I turn the light off and my sight becomes black with yellow, or gold, or white pox marks or scars.

I turn it on again and try to think of something original.

The three visible sides of the cube have become inverted. They no longer meet at a right angle jutting out towards my body, but to one caving away, so that the eyes in my head fit into the object as I look and wear it like a mask. The object now exists in a state somewhere between a small room and an inside-out glove with my middle finger touching its middle finger.

It is undeniable now that the state of the cube exists only within my perception of it and yet there is an exterior nature to it still. I find this hard to place as my knowledge of the cube is whole in my, and its, presentness.

It is seems merely to be planes of translucency and reflection until I step up and curve my body to the right-angle of the cube and look down. The cube is placed upon a newspaper upon a table. The words on the paper are brought up to the level of the upper face through the cross section of the plastic. It is like when one is given at school a lump of glass and encouraged to place it on a piece of writing. The glass ‘brings’ the image on the page up into itself and places it on its upper most side, it does not warp the image like a lens might, but merely carries it, unchanged, through itself and presents it again. I can see a tiny amount of newsprint through the cube, but what I can see is not distorted nor tarnished. Where a telescope or microscope would endeavour to enlarge images for viewing, the cross section of transparent plastic moves them closer to me.

It works as my eye works, it is part of my eye, or part of my process of seeing. I now see the entirety of the room, the object and myself through a 4mm splice of plastic.

R B Grange


Pom: more

In trying to find someone who knows about Pom I am confronted by and with myself, again.

Half an hour ago I decided to take a closer look at her images on Select. I had discovered that one is able to save images from the website by changing them into PDF files in an effort to print them. My ‘closer look’ led me to the corner of one of her images, the quite blurry one (there used to be two). The bottom left corner of this image said what clothes she was wearing and who designed the metal tiara (just about visible on her head). I typed into Google exactly what the legend bore: “metal tiara husam-el-odeh”. Two pages came up, the second being a blog about fashion. After quarter of an hour on the same page I decided to broaden my search, this time I merely typed: “husam-el-odeh” into Google. I went on his website (he’s a jewellery designer), he’s been in Dazed and Confused and ID, and so has Pom, I then proceed to trawl through the images provided by GoogleImages.

After seven pages of images, none of Pom, they ran out. I returned to just his normal search and clicked in the second result; Husam-El-Odeh’s CV. He’s 28, German born, he was a practicing artist in his homeland until he came to Britain, studied here and graduated in 2005 from MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY.

This girl seems to grow in importance to me. I know nothing of her but the things surrounding her; my endeavours to find out about her are all near misses – with a boomerang.

R B Grange



I have been listening to Radiohead’s song Nude on and off for about six years now. I have been watching E.T. for even longer. The song first came to my ears when I purchased the documentary Meeting People Is Easy. In the film, which I recommend you should watch if you like the band or not, Radiohead perform probably their most depressing song. Not only is the melody plodding and makes use of a hollow organ sound, but the lyrics too get you down from the start.

“Don’t get any big ideas, they’re not going to happen … now that you’ve found it it’s gone, now that you feel it you don’t.”

Yesterday I downloaded the new Radiohead recording In Rainbows. It’s some tracks that they’ve been playing live but which they’ve decided to being out in consumable form. The tracks are quite poppy but some put me very much in mind of Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box. Nude is on here too, but it is very different to other versions I have heard. I’m fine with this, I can appreciate this new Nude with the song they were playing in 98 (Thom had an idea that this song would be called Failure to Receive Payment Will Put Your House At Risk but feared it wasn’t catchy enough).

In contrast Becky purchased E.T. yesterday for my birthday. I had been hankering to watching it for a few week now and was overjoyed to find Becky had got it me. But at the same time very worried. As I’m sure you are aware Spielberg is a tinkerer. In his older age he has decided reedit some of his films, putting Jabba the Hutt into Episode 4 was an ok move in my mind, but E.T. is not the same anymore.

Steve fails to realize that playing with things he has already ‘finished’ with is not right. Once an object leaves the artist’s hands he has no more power over it. The CGI E.T. is too fluid and quirky to be believed in. this is not be taken in a childish manner, but E.T. is real, this computerized imposter is not.

Of course the two objects do not belong to me either, but I feel a great affinity with both and I believe them to excellent at things being done well and poorly.

There is a word of this remaking of the past. Newstalgia. I first experienced this in the late 90s when I was purposed remember how great the 70s were, which would then lead me to purchase a Zippy pencilcase, a yoyo and a spacehopper. Newstalgia is a meathod of selling items which have a proven record of saleability.

R B Grange